Saturday, April 4, 2020

What is pH? - Your Basic Knowledge on What pH Means

What is pH? - Your Basic Knowledge on What pH MeansAnswering the question, 'What is pH?' may seem like a bit of a daunting task at first, but when you consider that your basic kitchen equipment is composed of some four trillion tiny things called molecules, it's easier to explain what the term means. The molecules in your everyday life are hydrophilic (water-loving) and hydrophobic (water-hating). A water molecule is also known as a p-i-m-p and a hydrogen atom is also commonly known as H2O.In a water molecule is attached to one another by chemical bonds known as covalent bonds, which makes up all of the bonds between all of the other atoms in the body. The way in which a water molecule interacts with other molecules determines whether the water is in an alkaline environment or an acidic environment. The pH of a substance is defined as a number that indicates the neutral range in which an element is found.The pH of our body is usually between seven. When the pH level of our body is mo re acidic, our cells become acidic and when it is more alkaline, our cells become alkaline.The major influencers on our body pH level are the nutrients we ingest every day. As we get older, our digestive system no longer utilizes all of the nutrients contained in the foods we eat. The good news is that even though the pH of our body may change a little every day, it doesn't have to change drastically.One thing that can greatly affect the pH of our body is bathing in alkaline or acidic bath water. The primary cause of an acidic pH is a mineral deficiency such as iron or calcium deficiency. With our bodies being surrounded by so many minerals, we actually don't need to get nearly as much of these minerals from our diet as our diet does.Our body will continue to use our essential minerals just as much if not more than it needs the excess minerals we consume. Fortunately, our bodies can work to correct the imbalance if the nutrients we eat are replaced with the minerals our body needs. You won't be amazed at how quickly this can happen.The main focus of maintaining an alkaline pH is bathing in alkaline or acidic bath water. Baking soda is a great natural supplement for your body to counter the harmful effects of acidic water.

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