Thursday, March 5, 2020

Both, Either or Neither Learn them in 3 Minutes (video + quiz)

Both, Either or Neither Learn them in 3 Minutes (video + quiz) I recently taught  a student that confused these three words. I didnt realize how confusing they  can be until I started explaining the mistake he made. It is confusing! They are all used in a similar way but can greatly change the significance of the sentence. Take this example:Are you Japanese or Korean?Neither, Im Thai.Actually I could be either. I was adopted and dont know my biological family.Both. My father is Korean and my mother is Japanese.Do you see how each of these changes the meaning of the sentence! Well, I have a video explaining the rules and there is a quiz to test yourself afterword. I hope this can clarify for you some of the confusion!Ready for the quiz? Click here!

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